Always Use Braces Around Variables in Bash/Zsh
How a missing pair of curly braces {}
cost me an hour of debugging.
Introduce some tips and tricks
查看所有标签How a missing pair of curly braces {}
cost me an hour of debugging.
While working on automated accounting transactions with Beancount, I ran into an unexpected issue involving floating-point number conversions. In financial calculations, it's common practice to convert floating-point values to integers (for example, converting 1.55 to 155) by multiplying by 100, perform the necessary calculations, and then convert the result back by dividing by 100. This method helps maintain precision when dealing with currency values.
Sounds straightforward, doesn't it? That's what I thought until negative numbers entered the equation.
To my surprise, when I attempted to convert -155 back to -1.55, Python returned -2.45 instead. Let's dive into why this happens.
在写 TiDB Cloud 的 Python SDK 时,我需要实现一个等待集群创建成功的函数 wait_for_available()
start_time = GetCurrentTime()
while True:
current_time = GetCurrentTime()
duration = current_time - start_time
if duration > timeout:
raise TimeoutError
if cluster.status == "AVAILABLE":
This document outlines how to utilize code to enhance the accuracy of configuration documentation, particularly for technical writers who might not be well-versed in coding but are responsible for creating or reviewing configuration files. By following the examples in this document, writers can ensure that their configuration files are correct, efficient, and easy to understand, while also reducing the risk of errors or inconsistencies.
This document introduces how to configure Algolia DocSearch for your Docusaurus website and crawl your website automatically using GitHub Actions.
前段时间在写 tidbcloudy(一个 TiDB Cloud Python SDK)的时候用到了 Poetry 来管理依赖以及发布到 PyPI。经历了五次小版本的迭代,感觉 Poetry 时常让我有一种“写 SDK 也不难,发版也可以很简单”的错觉,所以决定记录一下我是如何使用 Poetry 来完成我的第一个 SDK 的。
I use webpack to bundle some JS scripts today, see openapi-scripts/pull/16. The following lists details of the project and reasons for bundling:
repository is used to post-process the OpenAPI specification file generated by
to be compatible with
in a private repository production/api
and I have no write access to
specification file into an HTML file index.html
using redoc-cli build
My Reading List from July 16, 2022, to July 31, 2022.
Oreo 同学最近开始记笔记和写心情了,但是就是不走寻常路偏偏想整一个自己的网站来写博客。正巧之前有一个 的域名,很快就定下来了 Hexo + GitHub Pages + Cloudflare CDN 的方案,Oreo 自己折腾了一段时间,成功部署了现在你看到的博客并在坚持更新,可喜可贺可喜可贺。
但是有个问题,GitHub Pages 对应的 Repo 存的是渲染过后的 HTML 文件,我们总得有个地方来存原始的 Markdown 文档。于是更新博客首先需要在 _source
目录写 Markdown,然后在根目录执行 hexo generate
和 hexo deploy
更新网站。命令行操作就先不说了,还要研究什么 Node.js、npm 是不是太过分了,在 Windows 配置环境超麻烦的好吗。世界如此美好,我却还要存 node_modules,这样不好,不好。
成,好歹咱也是做过 CI 的,GitHub Actions 也出来一段时间了看起来反响不错,那肯定也可以用 Actions 完成从博客源码到 Pages 部署的完整流程。Google 一搜发现已经有很多很多人做了类似的事情了,但是总有一些小地方不够好看或者是不满足需求,那就只能自己重新造一遍轮子了。