
7 篇博文 含有标签「How-tos」


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I am currently using Writerside, a new Integrated Development Environment (IDE) designed for technical writers, to create and develop the documentation website for my side project, PingCAP Docsite Preview. Throughout my experience with Writerside, I discovered an undocumented feature: a feedback module. I have utilized Cloudflare Pages Functions and TiDB Cloud Data Service to process the feedback received through this module and store it in the database.

This guide provides step-by-step instructions for integrating a feedback module into your website. It utilizes Writerside, Cloudflare Pages Functions, and TiDB Cloud Data Service for this integration. This will enable you to collect valuable user feedback directly through your website.

View the demo code: writerside-feedback-example

Try the feedback widget: Feedback example page

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在维护 Git 仓库,特别是文档类型的仓库,随着文档数量的增加,很容易出现信息不准确或过时的情况。为了解决这个问题,你可以将文档的内容与对应功能的代码或存在的 issue 绑定,当上游代码发生变化时,自动触发文档的更新。这种方式适合文档项目从 0 到 1 的初期,但是对于已经存在的文档项目重新维护这样的绑定关系就会变得很麻烦。

为了及时发现文档仓库中可能过时的内容,你可以使用 git log 命令获取文档的最后一次更新信息,以发现长期未更新的文档。下面具体介绍如何使用 git log 生成指定目录下所有 Markdown 文件的最后一次 commit 信息。

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This document outlines how to utilize code to enhance the accuracy of configuration documentation, particularly for technical writers who might not be well-versed in coding but are responsible for creating or reviewing configuration files. By following the examples in this document, writers can ensure that their configuration files are correct, efficient, and easy to understand, while also reducing the risk of errors or inconsistencies.

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前段时间在写 tidbcloudy(一个 TiDB Cloud Python SDK)的时候用到了 Poetry 来管理依赖以及发布到 PyPI。经历了五次小版本的迭代,感觉 Poetry 时常让我有一种“写 SDK 也不难,发版也可以很简单”的错觉,所以决定记录一下我是如何使用 Poetry 来完成我的第一个 SDK 的。

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I use webpack to bundle some JS scripts today, see openapi-scripts/pull/16. The following lists details of the project and reasons for bundling:

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  1. There is an API definition file open-api-swagger.json in a private repository production/api and I have no write access to it.
  2. I want to deploy a preview website of the open-api-swagger.json:
    • test some Redoc configuration in my repository Oreoxmt/preview-api
    • build the open-api-swagger.json specification file into a HTML file index.html using redoc-cli build
    • deploy it on Netlify or other services