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Blog posts related to Python


Avoid Negative Division Pitfalls in Python

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While working on automated accounting transactions with Beancount, I ran into an unexpected issue involving floating-point number conversions. In financial calculations, it's common practice to convert floating-point values to integers (for example, converting 1.55 to 155) by multiplying by 100, perform the necessary calculations, and then convert the result back by dividing by 100. This method helps maintain precision when dealing with currency values.

Sounds straightforward, doesn't it? That's what I thought until negative numbers entered the equation.

To my surprise, when I attempted to convert -155 back to -1.55, Python returned -2.45 instead. Let's dive into why this happens.

Building Productivity Tools with marimo

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Have you ever dreamed of creating custom tools to simplify your work life? In recent weeks, I've been exploring the capabilities of marimo, an innovative open-source Python reactive notebook. This powerful tool has enabled me to create three applications that have significantly streamlined my work planning process. In this post, I'm excited to share my journey with marimo and showcase the tools I've developed.


marimo is an open-source reactive notebook for Python — reproducible, git-friendly, executable as a script, and shareable as an app.

—— marimo

如何用 Python 测试 Shell 脚本,顺便写一个测试框架

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本文以 pingcap-docsite-preview 项目中的测试框架为例,介绍如何使用 Python 测试 Shell 脚本。

pingcap-docsite-preview 是一个用于预览文档内容的项目。它使用一些 Shell 脚本更新文档网站的内容。为了确保 Shell 脚本的代码质量和功能正确性,该项目使用 Python 构建了一个测试 Shell 脚本的框架。

下面以测试 sync_scaffold.sh 为例,该脚本用于更新 markdown-pages 目录以及 docs.json 文件内容。

使用 Python 处理时间:time.time() vs time.monotonic()

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在写 TiDB Cloud 的 Python SDK 时,我需要实现一个等待集群创建成功的函数 wait_for_available() ,以便用户等待集群变为可用状态。这个函数需要计算集群创建所花费的时间,并在超过用户设置的超时时间时抛出异常。这是一个常见的计算时间差的场景。可以通过记录集群创建的开始时间、获取当前时间,然后计算与开始时间开始时间的差值来实现该功能。伪代码如下:

start_time = GetCurrentTime()
while True:
current_time = GetCurrentTime()
duration = current_time - start_time
if duration > timeout:
raise TimeoutError
if cluster.status == "AVAILABLE":

How to Manage Your Python Project Using Poetry

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前段时间在写 tidbcloudy(一个 TiDB Cloud Python SDK)的时候用到了 Poetry 来管理依赖以及发布到 PyPI。经历了五次小版本的迭代,感觉 Poetry 时常让我有一种“写 SDK 也不难,发版也可以很简单”的错觉,所以决定记录一下我是如何使用 Poetry 来完成我的第一个 SDK 的。