

git branch

How to delete a local branch?

git branch -D {branch-name}

How to delete all local branches except for the main branch?

git branch | grep -v "main" | xargs git branch -D

The following is the detailed explanation according to ChatGPT:


This command uses a pipe (|) to chain together several commands:

  1. git branch lists all of the local branches in the repository.
  2. grep -v "main" filters out the "main" branch from the list of branches. The -v flag inverts the match, so it shows all branches that do not match the pattern main.
  3. xargs git branch -D takes the remaining branches and passes them as arguments to the command git branch -D, which deletes the branches.

Please be careful when running this command as it will delete all branches except main.

git clone

How to create a shallow clone?

--depth is used to specify the number of commits to be cloned. When cloning a large repository, you can use this option to reduce the time required to clone it.

git clone --depth 1 {YOUR_REPO_URL}

And then, you can get only the latest commit.

git log

For more information about how to fetch the remaining commits, refer to How to fetch the remaining commits after creating a shallow clone.

git commit

How to create an empty commit?

To create an empty commit, you can use the --allow-empty option.

git commit --allow-empty -m "init commit"

You can also use the --allow-empty-message option to create an empty commit with an empty commit message.

git commit --allow-empty-message --allow-empty

This is useful in the following scenarios:

  • to create the first commit of a new project (initial commit)
  • to trigger a CI/CD pipeline

git fetch

How to fetch the remaining commits after creating a shallow clone?

After creating a shallow clone, you can use the following command to fetch the remaining commits.

git fetch --unshallow

The git pull --unshallow command is equivalent to the preceding command.

git log

How to show the commit logs of a specific file?

git log {FILE_PATH}

How to show the latest commit log of a specific file?

To limit the number of commits to output, use the -<number>, -n <number>, --max-count=<number> option:

git log -1 {FILE_PATH}
# git log -n 1 {FILE_PATH}
# git log --max-count=1 {FILE_PATH}

How to show the commit logs without paging?

git --no-pager log

How to show commit logs in a custom format?

To pretty-print the commit logs in a given format, use the --format=<format> option. For more details, refer to Pretty Formats.

git log -1 --format=format:"%at,%H,%an,%as,%ar%n"

The description of the format is as follows:

  • %at: The author date, UNIX timestamp.
  • %H: The commit hash.
  • %an: The author name.
  • %as: The author date in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • %ar: The author date, relative format.

How to find which commit introduced/deleted a specific text?

Refer to this answer.

git log -c -S "text" {file-path}

The following is an example of finding the commit that introduced Reading List in the website/sidebars.js file.

git log -c -S "Reading List" website/sidebars.js

How to find which commit deleted a specific file?

git log --diff-filter=D -- {FILE_PATH}

The following is an example of finding the commit that deleted frontend/src/types/sqlReviewConfig.yaml file in the bytebase/bytebase repository.

git log --diff-filter=D -- frontend/src/types/sqlReviewConfig.yaml

How to find which commit changed a specific file?

git log --full-history -- {FILE_PATH}

Refer to this answer.

The following is an example of finding the commit that changed frontend/src/types/sqlReviewConfig.yaml file in the bytebase/bytebase repository.

git log --full-history -- frontend/src/types/sqlReviewConfig.yaml

git rebase

How to retain the commit signature after interactive rebase?

If you sign your commits using GPG, you can add the --gpg-sign option or -S option to retain the commit signature in the git rebase -i command.

git rebase -i {COMMIT_HASH} --gpg-sign

If you sign your commits using the Signed-off-by line, you can add the --signoff or -s option to retain the Signed-off-by line in the git rebase -i command.

git rebase -i {COMMIT_HASH} --signoff

For more information, see git rebase --gpg-sign and git rebase --signoff.

How to modify the initial commit?

To modify the commit message or author information of your project's initial commit, use the git rebase -i --root and git commit --amend commands.

Scenario: the initial commit message contains a typo and an incorrect author.

  1. Set up the project:

    mkdir test
    cd test
    git init
    git commit -m "iinit" --allow-empty
    git log
  2. Start an interactive rebase and change the word "pick" to "edit" in your text editor:

    git rebase -i --root
    # edit abcdefg iinit # empty
  3. Amend the commit to fix the message and author:

    git commit --amend -m "init" --author="test <[email protected]>" --allow-empty
  4. Continue the rebase:

    git rebase --continue
    # git push --force

git remote

How to remove multiple remotes except for the origin and upstream remotes?

git remote | grep -vE '^(origin|upstream)$' | xargs -L1 git remote remove
  1. git remote lists all of the remote names.
  2. grep -vE '^(origin|upstream)$' filters out the origin and upstream remotes.
  3. xargs -L1 git remote remove: for each remote, xargs runs the git remote remove command with the remote name as the argument.